Friday, May 29, 2020

Twitter Why So Many People Dont Get It

Twitter Why So Many People Don't Get It Hey there! jacobshare is using Twitter. 35 With hundreds of millions of users and growing, why are there still so many people who don’t get Twitter? A typical example Ouriel Ohayon, formerly of, used to be one of the biggest bloggers in France and in Israel. An Internet entrepreneur-turned-venture capitalist, a lot of technologies are paraded in front of him. As an early adopter of many of those technologies, you might think he would be quick to jump on something like Twitter but that wasn’t the case. Download The Ultimate Twitter Job Search Guide On March 13th 2007, Ouriel blogged “First impressions on Twitter” where among other things he said that it was “totally useless… totally addictive… still don’t get it but keep on trying…”eval Just 4 months later on July 11th 2007, Ouriel came back and blogged “One of the reasons I love Twitter” where he said “Right now Twitter is by far my favorite web app and my favorite channel of communication. I don’t care that most people don’t get it…” What did Ouriel realize during those few months?eval How Twitter created the problem: bad branding Visit any Twitter user’s homepage like mine and you’ll see the same message: Hey there! jacobshare is using Twitter. Twitter is a free service that lets you keep in touch with people through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing? Join today to start receiving jacobshare’s updates. The key phrase is “What are you doing?” When I first saw this question, I thought to myself “how boring. Who wants to know that I’m now blogging, that I’m now going shopping, that I’m now sitting on the train? Why would I want to spend time constantly updating everyone on my status? Worse, why would I want to drown myself in tons of these messages daily, even from the people I know and care about?” The fact is that the people who only twitter about these things are the most boring people on Twitter. They don’t get Twitter either. The key to getting Twitter: where the branding is right If you can get past the horrible “what are you doing?”, you’ll notice that Twitter refers to subscribers as “followers”. If you subscribe to someone else’s Twitter feed, you’re “following” them and vice-versa. Just like you subscribe to personal blogs to follow the latest thoughts and insight from your favorite people, you’ll subscribe to their Twitter feeds for the same reasons. However, with only 140 characters allowed per message, your friends’ and mentors’ bite-size thoughts will arrive faster, more often than blog posts, with more focus and will be easier to digest. In short, or as I’d say on Twitter in 140 characters: Twitter is bad for life-streaming, good for micro-blogging. Power users use it to share their messages network with people doing the same. Top 20 uses of Twitter Micro-blogging â€" every major blogger is also on Twitter. Followers often become subscribers. Sharing favorites â€" using one of the many url-shortening services such as, it’s easy to quickly share links to blog posts, images or videos. Networking â€" as people learn about you and what you have to share, they will follow you and become part of your network. The same is true for you, and you’ll meet more and more people who share your interests. Strengthening your network â€" by networking with someone in more than one medium, you create more bonds between you. Meet on Twitter with people you know from the real world, email, forums, etc. Promotion â€" when you or better yet, someone else in your network, , messages on Facebook or IM, and so on. Free Bonus Learn how to find use Twitter to find jobs quickly in the short-term and to attract jobs in the long-term. This free download contains sections on: How To Make Every Recruiter Jump To Hire You Which Key Tools Need to Be in Your Twitter Job Search Toolbox? An Easy Checklist to Follow Every Day Click the image below to get access to The Ultimate Twitter Job Search Guide: JobMob Insiders can get this free bonus and other exclusive content in the JobMob Insider Bonuses area. Join now, it's free! All a-twitter?

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The 3 Phases of Your Career and How to Succeed In Each Phase

The 3 Phases of Your Career and How to Succeed In Each Phase Have you ever wondered what steps you need to take in your career to get to where you want to go years from now? Have you ever wished you could work with a career coach to just get a career check-up and figure out what you need to do right now? Well, today we are going to give you a career check-up and we are going to cover one of the trainings in our Love Your Career Formula membership community. We’ll dive into the The 3 Phases of Your Career and How to Succeed In Each. Also, note that depending on when you are listening to this, our Love Your Career formula membership community may be open. We only open it at select times per year but if you love what I teach her in this podcast and want to dive deeper and get my specific action plans each week to determine what your ideal career is and then find it, Love your career formula is definitely for you. You can learn more and add your name to the waiting list Alright, let’s dive into today’s podcast! Click play below or  right click here and save link as  to download or subscribe on iTunes  here on this link: If you are enjoying our podcast, please leave us a review on iTunes! It would mean the world. Thank you! The Love Your Career Formula Success Path: -The 3 Phases -What life is like in each phase. -Steps you need to take in each phase. -Milestones showing you that you are ready to move to the next phase. Explorer Start Here: You are stuck and you don’t know what your ideal career is. You are an Explorer if you don’t know what career you want. You lack direction and focus and you are tired of being stuck in a job that doesn’t fit you. You are ready to find your ideal career fit. What is life like at this stage? You may be confused and frustrated at this step. You will feel like you are wasting time and jealous that other people know what they want to be when they grow up. You may regret decisions in the past and be very stressed out at work. You will feel frazzled by your calendar and to-do list and feel like you aren’t in control of your life. You will feel stuck and lost. You’ll feel like you need help finding your dream career and getting focused. You’ll be scared to fail. You’ll feel like you have to stay stuck in work you dislike for the rest of your life. You can’t stand walking into work at your current job. You are not excited about job searching at all. You’ll be scared you’ll never get hired and never succeed. Steps in the Explorer Phase: Get your productivity plan put in place. Get your mindset ready for success. Conquer your fears. Determine your direction. Put a 90-Day Plan is in place. Identify your calling and purpose. Informational interviews completed. Career research completed. Ideal career outline completed. In order to go from Phase 1 to Phase 2: You know what your ideal career is and you are ready to find it. You have completed your career research. You have completed informational interviews. You have a 90-Day Plan in place. Your mindset is ready for success. Your calendar has time blocked out for job searching. Job Searcher You are a Job Searcher if you know what your ideal career is and you are now ready to find it. You are ready to work on your resume and cover letter. You are also ready to apply for jobs, expand your network and practice those interview skills. What is life like at this stage? You will feel like you are on a hamster wheel. You’ll be frustrated not knowing how to network and you’ll feel like there aren’t any jobs available for you. You’ll think your resume is ugly and want to throw your computer out the window while you are online job searching (WHY WON’T IT SAVE!) You’ll be lost as to how to stand out and differentiate yourself and feel like you are banging your head against the window. You’ll have interview anxiety and feel like you aren’t qualified enough for the job you want. You’ll be scared to fail.  You’ll feel like your career options have evaporated. You’ll start to get excited about possibilities and future opportunities although still be a little scared that you won’t be able to handle it. Steps in the Job Searcher Phase: Strategic Networking action plan in place. Networking barriers conquered. Resume branding strategy in place. Resume and cover letter matches who you are 100%. Get prepared to nail your interviews. Get prepared to negotiate a salary you deserve. Ensure your online reputation matches your personal brand. In order to go from Phase 2 to Phase 3: You have gotten hired at a job you love (and you accepted the offer)! You have celebrated your hard work and accomplishments. You have prepared for your first day at work. You are ready to be wildly success the first 90 days of your new dream job! Leader You are a leader if you have a job you love and now want to get ahead and raise the bar. You’re ready to uplevel your career, get promoted and achieve the success you know is possible for you. You know you want to make a big impact in the world and you can’t do it where you are at right now. What is life like at this stage? You sometimes have issues speaking up at work and you don’t know how to build a support network or get a mentor. You want to be paid what you deserve and are worried about equal pay issues. You lack female role models and are unsure how to balance having children and your career. You lack confidence negotiating with men and struggle every day to balance who you want to be professionally with the demands of being a parent. You are scared you’ll never get promoted and be able to manage a team well. Start: Ready to move past where you are at right now and get ahead. Stuck in a level at work and you know you can rise above it. You have more potential than where you are at right now. Steps in the Job Searcher Phase: Get ready to wow your employer in the first 90 days. Get confident in the work you do and when communicating with your team. Build a tribe around you that supports and mentors you. Learn your strengths and how to lead with your strengths. Delegate all tasks that are not your strengths. Gain respect and negotiation skills. Build a promotion plan and a career development action plan. Grow your tribe and gain mentorship from role models. Utilize the get ahead strategies on a daily basis. In order to graduate from Phase 3 You are making an impact in the world. You are mentoring others and giving back. You are continually learning and gaining new skills. You manage a team and are helping your team become leaders themselves. You are seen as an expert in your field. You are happy, successful and balanced. Also, note that depending on when you are listening to this, our Love Your Career formula membership community may be open. We only open it at select times per year but if you love what I teach her in this podcast and want to dive deeper and get my specific action plans each week to determine what your ideal career is and then find it, Love your career formula is definitely for you. You can learn more and add your name to the waiting list

Friday, May 22, 2020

Video - Top Questions to Ask The Interviewer

Video - Top Questions to Ask The Interviewer You are invited to the interview you do all the research on the job and company at the interview you shine and impress them. At the end of it comes the question Do you have any questions for us? The question least prepared for (to my knowledge). has released a short 3 minute video with the top 3 questions to ask the interviewer. Another good video, courtesy of For more videos on different professions, visit and for any questions use the Contact form  section on the site. Also Read:  Video 10 Interview Mistakes To Avoid 0

Monday, May 18, 2020

How to Have a More Productive Work Week

How to Have a More Productive Work Week Who doesn’t want a  4 hour work week? I think the possibility of only working 4 hours a week is probably not possible for most people but there are a lot of great things I learned my reading The Four Hour Work Week  by Timothy Ferriss.   It helped me prioritize my life and limit myself to only work on the  most important items on my to-do list. Here are some interesting questions to ponder from the book: If you had a heart attack and could only work 2 hours per day, what would be the most important thing in your day that you would take care of? If you had a gun to your head and had to stop 4/5ths of the time consuming activities, what would you remove? What are the top  3 activities that you use to fill your time so you feel like you are being productive? Do you invent more things to do and avoid the important things you have to get done? (Note: Don’t read this book in your  last week of grad school when everything you do is procrastinate  studying for finals  ?? Because I like challenges, I challenged myself to think about the top 2-3 things that I absolutely had to get done each day this week. I focused on these things  and was  actually able to complete all of them by noon instead of trying to finish them up at 5pm like I normally would do. This mini-challenge helped me really focus on getting the most important things done  before jumping into all of the other things I tend to fill my day with.   What was the outcome?   Less stress! Here are more ideas the book offers to improve your productivity. Would any of these work for you next week? Turn off your email alert and only check email twice per day (12pm and 4pm.) This allows you to focus on the priority items in your day and not get distracted by the new emails constantly coming in. Grant as much information and independent decision making to your employees as possible allowing you more free time. Give others a chance to prove themselves! Say no. If you have too much on your plate, don’t add more! Do not multitask â€" you will get less done. If you have something you have to do, do it from start to finish without any distractions. Leave work at 4pm and take Monday and Friday off so you have less time to work. This will actually make you more productive because  you wont fill your time with non-important tasks.  I might have to try this one!! ?? Have a great and productive weekend everyone!

Friday, May 15, 2020

Nanotechnology The Promising Prospects of the Science of miniature.

Nanotechnology The Promising Prospects of the Science of ‘miniature.' If you are working on something small, that doesn’t mean it can’t produce significant opportunities. In a world that mostly exists within your palms, tiny can be synonymous with convenience. That’s why nanotechnology serves as the perfect example that testifies to what ‘miniature’ technology can accomplish.Now in the case of the professionals working in the domain of nanotechnology, there is a lot of scope for discoveries and applications that are continually developing, which results in plenty of job opportunities.evalNanotechnology is an area that allows a professional to delve into the molecular level of technology. Owing to the advancement in nanotechnology, the field which holds a lot of promising prospects who are willing to explore this area.What is Nanotechnology?Nanoscience and technology are fields thatconcentrate on the objects at the nanoscale level and involves dimensions that mainly hover between 1to 100nanometers The research and applications within this area are equally distinctive, varying from the extensions of conventional device physics to entirely new approaches depending on molecular self-assembly.The Scope of NanotechNow if this area of science intrigues you, and you want to take it up as a career?Some universities offerdegrees on nanotech. But most people already working in the domain get their degrees in other branches of science like mechanical engineering, biochemistry, or physics. Simply put, multiple disciplinary paths could ultimately allow you to land a nanoscale job. It could be a beautiful blend of various disciplines.Even though it requires formal education, the experts often put more emphasis on the capacity to learn new things, technical curiosity and being uninhibited to venture into areas of which you have little understanding.evalEffective communications skills are also valued, and also owing to the interdisciplinary nature of nanoscale work; it’s imperative that people working in this field are efficient at co mmunicating with others regarding a wide range of fields and understand their often-divergent objectives and terminologies.Another vital skill required to prosper in this domain is the experience with operating the equipment used in nanotechnology.Experts also state that people pursuing this domain must have a clear understanding of clean-room technology. The very same tech applied in the semiconductor industry. Issues related to safe handling and contamination are the same in nanotech as they are in semiconductors.The number of research conducted with nanomaterials is steadily growing. These researches are focusing on different kinds of new nano properties, for applications that range between catalysts to energy conversion.This inevitably requires an increasingly skilled workforce who would be comfortable in dealing with issues such as nanofabrication quality control.Developing the Tools to Propel the Research On NanotechnologyAnother flourishing area for professionals to explore i s the development of tools that enable nanoscale research. Now more than ever organizations need help to leverage nanoscale properties and discoveries.Some organizations produce electron microscopes and other related devices. Such organizations are focused on building nanoscale devices with nanometer accuracy.Developing these devices need an interdisciplinary team. It will likely consist of professionals from metallurgy, mechanical engineering, software, and materials science. They need all hands on deck to operate the machines and utilizing the data they gather.Working at the nanoscale allows the professionals to measure things previously incalculable, as such, the new devices will be vital for the development of science and its commercialization.evalBut the knowledge of how to adopt nanodevices is still quite shallow. Experts suggest that students acquire as much experience with fabrication and measuring equipment as it’s possible, be it through working on research projects, ass isting in their professors’ labs, or through various internships.Students should gather hands-on experience with fabrication and measuring equipment at an early stage in the career. Having this skill means you alone on a team may understand how to handle this.According to the assignment writers, many universities and organizations presently don’t have the skills they require to eliminate all their issues associated with nanotechnology.Job Prospects in the Domain of NanotechnologySince nanoscience is a unique area that ideally comprises many spheres, it is creating a variety of job prospects. Students specializing in chemistry, physics, engineering, biology, and technology are all wanted.The career prospects in the domains of Nanoscale science and technology are becoming more widespread. More than that, they are beginning to have a far-reaching impact on many aspects of our lives.evalA professional in the area of nanotechnology can easily find a promising career opportunity in di fferent sectors. They can work in the field of bioinformatics, nano-medicine, and pharmaceutical companies.Let’s not forget fields like stem cell development, nanotoxicology, and nano power generating sectors.Some of the applications of nanotechnology exist in areas like pharmaceuticals and medical practice. There are also uses in magnetics and optoelectronics, information technology, electronics, energy chemicals, advanced materials, and textiles.Nanotechnology has a myriad of applications. One case is drug delivery to treat a cancer tumor without offering chemotherapy and radiotherapy.There’s also solar energy, display technologies, batteries, semiconductor devices, biosensors, luminous paints, and many others. Now, what is necessary for this technology is a new generation of trained professionals.A plethora of job opportunities are waiting for candidates with M.Tech in Nanotechnology in different parts of the world. Prominent universities around the globe offer Ph.D. in Nanot echnology, which will also open up opportunities in the Research Development sectors.In conclusion, we can safely say that nanotechnology has a lot of promise. Both for professionals willing to delve into this area, and for the world at large.

Monday, May 11, 2020

PhillyHires hosts 5 upcoming career fairs

PhillyHires hosts 5 upcoming career fairs 0 Flares 0 Flares Attendance is free and registration is not required, although if you do register on the website, than youll be given a glimpse of the company attendance list.  I strongly suggest registering, than make up your mind once you see which companies plan to be there. Ive listed brief information on all five job fairs below, as well as a link that will take you directly to the specific career fair of interest. Monday, August 10, 2009 King of Prussia, PA 11AM  to 2PM Crowne Plaza Hotel Valley Forge Click here for more information Thursday, August 27, 2009 Voorhees, NJ 11AM  to 2PM The Mansion on Main Street Click here for more information Friday, October 9, 2009 Philadelphia, PA 11AM  to 2PM Crowne Plaza Hotel Philadelphia Click here for more information Thursday, November 5, 2009 King of Prussia, PA 11AM  to 2PM Crowne Plaza Hotel Valley Forge Click here for more information Tuesday, November 17, 2009 Voorhees, NJ 11AM  to 2PM The Mansion on Main Street Click here for more information

Friday, May 8, 2020

How to Find the Best Resume Writing Services

How to Find the Best Resume Writing ServicesResume writing is a career that requires skill, dedication and reliability to get a good job. When writing your resume, you should be aware of the best resume writing services in Chicago, Washington DC. These services will offer you a unique resume writing experience that you have not experienced before.The employers prefer applicants who had taken corporate training courses. It is quite natural to assume that this is the reason why one of the most successful companies in the world offer resume services to aspiring professionals. This is how they meet the requirements of the corporations. It is not only true for Chicago or Washington DC.The best resume writing services in Chicago, Washington DC will do everything possible to take you to the top by giving you all the required professional and educational experience and corporate training courses that you can possibly get. The topics covered in corporate training courses are such as creative writing, marketing, accounting, marketing management, market research, project management, law etc. What is more important is that you must be able to give an original product. The best resume writing services in Chicago will have a wide range of writers who can write resume for various areas of interest.There are many courses available, which make the job easier. Students usually write articles and novels, which require diverse skills. This means that you must be able to combine your writing skills with the skills of others. In fact, there are many requirements in writing a resume and the best resume writing services in Chicago will do everything possible to meet the demands of the employers.The resume of a professional writer is a combination of his own talent and his knowledge of the field. He must be able to write his resume in a very brief sentence that can be understood by even a person without any knowledge about the particular area of expertise. The easiest way to prepare a resume is to create it using the help of an editor. It is better that the resume does not have many columns or dense formatting.Your resume must contain a good portfolio of your work. A portfolio of work will help the best resume writing services in Chicago to find out if they should give you a call. The applicant can show their portfolio to make sure that the company that offered the resume writing service is working with the right writer. For example, you can show your previous work, that is in magazines, book and newspaper.When writing your resume, you should write as if the employer was sitting beside you are talking about your experiences in corporate training courses, current project, research projects etc. This makes it easy for the recruiters to assess your credentials. You must be able to analyze your strengths and your skills and the best resume writing services in Chicago will guide you through this process and determine if you are the right candidate for the job.These ar e some of the reasons why the best resume writing services in Chicago are best for you. If you have not yet used them, then you must consider using them. The good thing is that you are allowed to hire freelancers from a company and not have to worry about their health or your health.