Friday, May 29, 2020

Twitter Why So Many People Dont Get It

Twitter Why So Many People Don't Get It Hey there! jacobshare is using Twitter. 35 With hundreds of millions of users and growing, why are there still so many people who don’t get Twitter? A typical example Ouriel Ohayon, formerly of, used to be one of the biggest bloggers in France and in Israel. An Internet entrepreneur-turned-venture capitalist, a lot of technologies are paraded in front of him. As an early adopter of many of those technologies, you might think he would be quick to jump on something like Twitter but that wasn’t the case. Download The Ultimate Twitter Job Search Guide On March 13th 2007, Ouriel blogged “First impressions on Twitter” where among other things he said that it was “totally useless… totally addictive… still don’t get it but keep on trying…”eval Just 4 months later on July 11th 2007, Ouriel came back and blogged “One of the reasons I love Twitter” where he said “Right now Twitter is by far my favorite web app and my favorite channel of communication. I don’t care that most people don’t get it…” What did Ouriel realize during those few months?eval How Twitter created the problem: bad branding Visit any Twitter user’s homepage like mine and you’ll see the same message: Hey there! jacobshare is using Twitter. Twitter is a free service that lets you keep in touch with people through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing? Join today to start receiving jacobshare’s updates. The key phrase is “What are you doing?” When I first saw this question, I thought to myself “how boring. Who wants to know that I’m now blogging, that I’m now going shopping, that I’m now sitting on the train? Why would I want to spend time constantly updating everyone on my status? Worse, why would I want to drown myself in tons of these messages daily, even from the people I know and care about?” The fact is that the people who only twitter about these things are the most boring people on Twitter. They don’t get Twitter either. The key to getting Twitter: where the branding is right If you can get past the horrible “what are you doing?”, you’ll notice that Twitter refers to subscribers as “followers”. If you subscribe to someone else’s Twitter feed, you’re “following” them and vice-versa. Just like you subscribe to personal blogs to follow the latest thoughts and insight from your favorite people, you’ll subscribe to their Twitter feeds for the same reasons. However, with only 140 characters allowed per message, your friends’ and mentors’ bite-size thoughts will arrive faster, more often than blog posts, with more focus and will be easier to digest. In short, or as I’d say on Twitter in 140 characters: Twitter is bad for life-streaming, good for micro-blogging. Power users use it to share their messages network with people doing the same. Top 20 uses of Twitter Micro-blogging â€" every major blogger is also on Twitter. Followers often become subscribers. Sharing favorites â€" using one of the many url-shortening services such as, it’s easy to quickly share links to blog posts, images or videos. Networking â€" as people learn about you and what you have to share, they will follow you and become part of your network. The same is true for you, and you’ll meet more and more people who share your interests. Strengthening your network â€" by networking with someone in more than one medium, you create more bonds between you. Meet on Twitter with people you know from the real world, email, forums, etc. Promotion â€" when you or better yet, someone else in your network, , messages on Facebook or IM, and so on. Free Bonus Learn how to find use Twitter to find jobs quickly in the short-term and to attract jobs in the long-term. This free download contains sections on: How To Make Every Recruiter Jump To Hire You Which Key Tools Need to Be in Your Twitter Job Search Toolbox? An Easy Checklist to Follow Every Day Click the image below to get access to The Ultimate Twitter Job Search Guide: JobMob Insiders can get this free bonus and other exclusive content in the JobMob Insider Bonuses area. Join now, it's free! All a-twitter?

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